Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Growing Up Asian in Australia: Intro + Pigs Questions

Introduction by Alice Pung
1. What were Asian-Australians referred to as when the author was growing up?
Power Points 
2. How does she interpret this title?
She understood this nickname as a slang word for referring to them as nerdy and dweeby "...i thought it was because we were smart and dweeby in a dynamic Microsoft way..."
3. What did this title actually refer to? Did the author find this demeaning? Why/why not?
The title actually meant that they literally looked like a powerpoint because of their facial features. The Author didn't understand it and thought that because it was 'white' and 'cute' it had little relevance to her. 
4. ‘All that untapped potential! All that electrifying brain power!’ What techniques are being employed by the author? How does they highlight he misunderstanding?

5. What did the teen author take away from teen fiction? What did she feel that she needed to do? Why? What does this say is essential to fitting in to a culture?
She suggested that she shouldn't read teen fiction because it basically suggests that teen fiction puts the idea into her mind that she needs to get plastic surgery.
6. Who are the authors that she turns to? Why?
7. In the third paragraph how does the author use repetition. How does it highlight the focus of this book?
8. What metaphor does the author use to highlight the writers and the writing style in the third paragraph?
9. Why does the author use a quote in the 4th paragraph? What does it say about her reaction to the stories in the book?
10. On page 2 the author talks about the themes that she loosely choose for the collection. What are they and why is it ironic that they show up in this book?
11. At the bottom of pg 3 on to page 4 the author says that sociologists have described Asians as the ‘model minority’. What is meant by this? What difficulties arise out of this label for young Asian-Australians?
12. What are the editor’s hopes for the collection of stories?

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